Urban Fairy Doors Make Magic in Ann Arbor
There is wonderful magic afoot in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Urban Fairy Doors are magically popping up all over the city. Click on the pictures and see where they are. These fairy doors can be found by downloading a map of their current whereabouts. Read this amazing story...
You can Make a Fairy House out of a Rock!
I am thinking I need to start looking for rocks to make my own fairy house. What an easy fun way to add more whimsy to your garden. I have been looking at so many different pictures of these rock fairy houses and it doesn’t seem to matter what shape or size...
Make a Fairy Clock House for your Fairy Garden with Found Objects
There are so many wonderful Fairy Garden projects that I have a hard time choosing which projects I’m going to do next. But when I ran across these Fairy Clock Houses I decided this would be it. First of all, I have a clock just like the ones in the pictures...