Book Nooks for Fairies
If you have a library or even a book case with a few books you need a Book Nook for the fairies in your house. What a magical feeling to see these little alley ways and secret places placed in just the right spot in your home! This first Book Nook above is from Harry...
5 Magical Forest Fairy Houses
We think we have 5 Magical Forest Fairy Houses that you will love. Fairy friends live in magical forests or in outdoor spaces that fit them. There are gardens that can be a perfect background for these special little beings too. You can turn an area of your garden or...
A French Fairy House
There is an artist in France that is making paper mache Fairy houses, Carriages and fairy tale characters that you must see. Her name is Laetitia Mieral. She is a darling girl that calls herself a ‘paper magician’, and she truly is a magician with paper!...