Making Memories in Your Fairie Garden

by | Dec 1, 2016 | Crafts, Fairie Gardens

I was given a book by my dear friend Tonya a few years back called Toad Cottages and Shooting Stars: Grandma’s Bag of Tricks, by Sharon Lovejoy. It is a wonderful little book with ‘Wonder-filled Grandchild Friendly Activities’.

Tonya has the most enchanting gardens I have ever been in. She has labored in this garden, which takes up her entire 1/2 acre backyard, for 30 years.  What makes her garden so amazing is the detail in every corner.

When she gave me this book and said she had been so inspired to use many of the ideas in it I was ready to be equally inspired. And it didn’t fail. What a treasure of ideas there are. Simple inexpensive ways to spend quality  time with your children and grandchildren in the garden.

I was, of course,  most excited about the Fairie Garden ideas.

One idea was a little mailbox placed secretly in the fairie garden where children can go and leave the fairies gifts and notes and receive them in return.

A Fairie Mailbox for giving and receiving fairie gifts from Toad Cottages and Shooting Stars by Sharon Lovejoy|

A Fairie Mailbox for giving and receiving fairie gifts

This is a picture of the mailbox in the book. A simple little mailbox that her grandchildren would go immediately to when they visited.

My friend Tonya made her own version of the mailbox using a green chimney she found…it is wonderful! It shows that there are so many different ways to create magic in your garden.

There are many other ideas for creating memories with children. Start a little journal for your grandchildren so you can write down funny things they say and collect little momentos to give them when they have grown.

I wish I had thought of it with my own children!

Get this book for yourself or someone who loves to garden or a friend with children and grandchildren. I know you will be full of ideas to try around your own home.

Toad Cottage and Shooting Stars by Sharon Lovejoy, book of garden ideas for children |








