Make Your Own Fairy Caravan

by | Dec 10, 2020 | Blog, Crafts, Fairie Caravans

Make your own fairy caravan out of willow bird nests. You can find them at your local garden center. I found two different shapes. One is short and round with a removable top, the other is taller with a pointy top. Both have nice square openings in the front for birds and are perfect for a little door.

Acorn Pink Fairy Caravan

The pink caravan was one of the first caravans that I made. I found the rusty metal wheels on Ebay. Acorns are added for an earthy touch and Tinsel is wrapped around the top for shine. A vine of leaves is made from muslin and wraps around the caravan.

The door is made from popsicle sticks that are glued together. There are tutorials on Pinterest to make these doors. It’s a very easy project. Then a raw umber wash was applied and embellished with a snail shell and bark.

Birdcage Blue Fairy Caravan

The blue fairy caravan was made like the pink caravan. They both started out a natural willow color. Both were painted with a wash of umber acrylic paint.

This one has a little awning made from a wide burlap ribbon that is glued to a wire frame. A little birdcage was added to hang on the awning. A little hole was drilled on the top of the acorn to put in a little muslin flag on a stick.

It has the same metal wheels as the pink caravan with a popsicle stick door and is embellished with a bead and little round slice from a branch.

It is a creative and fun little project to add to your fairy gardens!